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Homesteading, farming, food, homemade ingenuity thread
How do you grow enough food to feed a white man and his white wife and his family of ten white kids?
A good question. I guess it will take a fair bit to feed a family of 12. But root vegetables like potatoes and carrots is a good safe bet I guess for basic agricultural crops. If possible some wheat for grains but not sure how much space that would take. Supplementing that with fish and other game, and top that of with some hens to lay eggs and a few sheep for meat (and make your own yarn) and a cow for milk and I think you should be fairly set.
How high can you stack chickens vertically in a coop before problems and risks start to arise?
I don't have an answer for this question specifically, but if space is an issue, then you could expand horizontally or just use a chicken tractor. A simple set of roosts should be more than enough for a half dozen hens.

How do we get more users on /ub/?
6368 6370
Political news is a daily dose of pessimism. Something new to hate the enemy for every day. But self improvement is the true secret to happiness. Farming, gardening, jogging, lifting weights, and more.

Feels good to know you are healthier and fitter and more knowledgeable than you were yesterday and tomorrow you will grow even more. Success stories bring joy to yourself and others. It feels good to see pictures of a man's crop yields or hear a man talk about his new greenhouse.

How do we get new users here to focus on cultivating their sick gains and personal growth?
1 replies and 1 files omitted.
Business Dog
6370 6372
>Political news is a daily dose of pessimism.
It can be, especially when staring at it as though it were an unfolding unstoppable train wreck. Nevertheless, important to know within sensible limits. It's a part of every strong and righteous stallion's (and other males') life.

>But self improvement is the true secret to happiness.
I like the way you think, especially since one can then better inspire and help others along as well.

>a man's...
Well, I'm a male dog, a lot of us here are almost certainly pony stallions and some of those running this board may be wolf or dogs as well. :3

>How do we get new users here to focus on cultivating their sick gains and personal growth?
Not sure, looking forward to ideas from others. There are lots of ways and aspects of personal growth, not just lifting or fetching.
However personally, I've decided to start posting here because I've been lurking on and off for a few years due to Aryan and down-to-earth marepussy, but then myself witnessed a reduction in users and became a bit unnerved due to the attacks on other good boards. What ''really'' got me posting here was the (((parasites))) moving in and trying to convince those who're still here that this place "is dying", to try and demoralise them. I enjoy being a jerk like that, heheh. :3

Therefore, I'll slowly start putting together some of my own experiences and infographics, guides, etc. on various subjects and post them here, instead of my own board that I've been working on. Once my own board's ready, I'll just copy/paste my stuff over.
New content might inspire new or old stallions, people and animals to post more on here.

Probably the first thing I'll put together in the next few days or so is my own personal experience with naturally boosting my testosterone.
We can guess why testosterone is under attack by the enemy, and the attacks have even worked on me as well. Over the years, my glorious nuts shrank down to small squishy grapes that ended up getting "lost" inside me, much to my horror one morning, and I had to carefully squish them back out again.

Keep watching /ub/ for my journey from neutered mutt, back to strong male fully-endowed shepherd dog. That's a "personal growth" story too! :3
6371 6372 6376
>Political news is a daily dose of pessimism.
Not sure how to take this but it bothers me a lot.
This board is /mlpol/ , not /mpl/, so mixed content is expected. Imagine if a group of anons begin complaining about pone posting.
>What ''really'' got me posting here was the (((parasites))) moving in and trying to convince those who're still here that this place "is dying"
Actually is already dead, two of three snowflakes got a meltdown because their poneposting was not getting on the top /overboard/ and the staff joined them. From this point everything begun to fall apart as the community was attacked from within and by the ponyfags against the polacks. Now it is too late, the damage is irreversible and the OP of this thread tells me that they still on the same destructive course.
I'm leaving too. It was a good ride. Good luck faggots.
Business Dog
Sounds like you need more testosterone. I should have something posted in a few days.
## Mod
You keep saying you are leaving, but you never actually do. You certainly like to make it seem there is a larger problem than there is. But if you insist there is, or if you want attention, please use /qa/ and direct any questions or complaints to staff there so that this thread won't be further derailed. Thank you.

Sounds like fun. Can't wait to see it.
Do you like potatoes? I like potatoes. What's the secret to growing good potato yields?
>already dead
>too late
>damage is irreversible
Then fucking leave. What business do you have complaining on a "dead" board.
>same destructive course
Destroying what? I thought it was already dead.
>I'm leaving too.
Actually leave this time, and stop whining about it.

Do Test pills help men?
A buff friend of mine recommended I get some natural supplement pills that supposedly "help the body produce testosterone".

Do those pills do anything good for the male body to make the body stronger and the mind more mature and less feminine, or is it a placebo?
Please ignore the caffeine pills in the pic, I know caffeine isn't good for you.
You don't need that shit. It's not worth the long-term damage to your endocrine system. Fucking with your hormones is dangerous business, as your entire body is a series of delicate chemical balances.
The best way to build testosterone is to exercise regularly. So long as you have two functioning gonads you'll have all the testosterone you need.
>he doesn't shoot up Ultra Male Vitality ™
>natural supplement pills that supposedly "help the body produce testosterone".
>Vitamins, minerals and other stuff.
If you eat shity crap for most (95%) meals you'll need some sort of supplement.
If your body is fucking up, you may need enough so it's actually absorbed.
Having the potential to make certain chemicals doesn't mean it will that's also based on genetics.
If you want buff body do the research and dangers.
>mind more mature
You probably won't find mental enlightenment in the end of a Vitamin C bottle.
>Chemical balance in my brain is different am I gooderer now?
If it works for you. If you like how you are, slow normal change is better.

If it's all working as it should you don't need supplements. The body has some specific ways of detecting stuff and self regulation.
If you want to give it a try to build muscle/whatever be cautious.
If you body didn't need to produce a specific thing it'll stop, if there's too much it'll stop. Ect. Depending on the system in general and if there are issues at play.

Slugfest, Rebutals and Mares oh my
5192 5199 6163
For improving wit, knowledge and wisdom.
Here's Fi a thread for long debates, observations, hores puse.
Recommended, core point/idea/intent in the title/subject of the post. Would also recommend keeping your position about the topic and a unique number/pseudo trust based id in the name or subject field for the purpose of one debate/rebutal topic.
1. Pony Pony and Frienchipping is a must.
2. Positions here have to be backed up using a form of evidence. Higher quality and numerous the better, but in that order.
3. Cite stuff. Meme images that actually have it is good. Links to archives also good. Quotes pic or otherwise also good. Source My Ass, stated otherwise.
4. If it has a dedicated (containment) thread it belongs there in accordance to pretty pony pussy and political pinball wizards.
5. Shitposting allowed. Levity and brevity is a must for the heavy lifting and raking here.
6. The only winner is everyone by increasing in skill, knowledge, wisdom, wit and experience.
7. Taackle the position as it is or/and strengthen it then commit your might. This ensures ideas and well intentions are ensured.
8. What about isms, shilling, THE FUCKING (((flat))) JACKWAGON. Is considered shitposting at best off topic at worst and belongs elsewhere (again in the containment threads or not here at all). Because there is no point, and when one is made there is no substance, even one on their behalf, even with good will to help them our good will has been 'placed before swine'.
9. When hypotheticals are in play, considering and contrasting with reality is also allowed. Following through the logical presuppositions that then turns the idea is also allowed given the logic is sound, is true in reality (or the hypothetical reality).
10. Hard feelings stay here. If they develop or are brought in keep them in this thread. Keep a calm mind, focused intent, and wide vantage point of understanding, even under intense pressure. This is for fun and improvement or one's self and others through consensual typed/image debates.
11. Post Pony and or Humorous every once in a while.
12. If the topic/debate has enough interests lets make it another thread. Thread generation and cross posing is allowed.
13. To Err is human. It happens. At times ponies too make errors.
14. Love your fellow Anon, and forgive. No homo. Keeping high interpersonal anonymous bonds is needed.
15. Reasoning and how an Anon comes to (a) deduction(s) is encouraged. This is also a place to sharpen the faculties and how you reach somewhere and also the potential ways is important for plasticity. (Source My Ass)
16. Dunno probably something here. Horse Pussy.
17. Greentexting and subsequent Meme making of the topics and debates is allowed and encouraged. Remember Anonymity, and ensure the spirit thrives.
18. Not sure why I typed eighteen at this point might as well have twenty for the nice multiple of ten.
19. Clarify when a post seems off topic, ask for clarity so everyone is on the same page.
20. Only wish the best for fellow Anons. A seemingly repeat, and the importance is why it's repeated.
>Why not just make a separate thread in the first place?
This thread doesn't have IDs for rapidly shitposting accurate true solutions that improve can be had.
>There isn't a person that would actually debate for the opposition position.
Debating as an advocate for fun and improvement is allowed.
>Something something edge cases.
I know it's bound to happen. I feel it in my bones.

>When hypotheticals are in play, considering and contrasting with reality is also allowed. Following through the logical presuppositions that then turns the idea is also allowed given the logic is sound, is true in reality (or the hypothetical reality).
Bad idea.
Arguing hypotheticals is like arguing strawmen; neither is a sincere, organic, or accurate representation of anything. The person arguing against the hypothetical can defeat 1000 hypothetical scenarios, and the person arguing them can create 1000 more from thin air, that need not bear any resemblance to any oberved/recorded phenomenon. Take the jew/kgb fag(s?) as exhibit A, of both the ease of instantly concocting a new hypothetocal on the fly, and to the utility in allowing hypothetical arguments at all. Theres really little to no difference between arguing hypotheticals and whataboutism, the distinction being assertiveness in the position/retort.
Allegories, metaphors, and analogies are different, in that they are ineffective if the one asserting is inaccurate in their concept and illustration.
You have an interesting idea OP, but like any thread topic it is only as good as its participants are willing to abide. Being as though there is no authority to discipline anons for arguing in bad faith or not abiding by the ruleset you propose, its effectively an Honor system.
And to that I reintroduce the jew/kgb fag(s?) as evidence of how easily/readily liberties can be taken.
>pic unrelated
6164 6165 6166
Your whore mother wouldn't be ashamed if she were still alive. No, not if she were tied up and her ass FUCKED until it resembled a rabbit hole. See, if you give birth to a tranny janny, worse even, if they not only don't get paid, but instead go into debt themselves to have the opportunity to shovel shit, and even then can't hold down that job, their cunt of a mother must be the most massive skank you've ever had to had to lay your eyes on. Probably abused crack instead of taking care of their kid, which is why they wind up being the most narcissistic little shithead you've ever had the displeasure of meeting. You say you're going to leave but I know you're going to be back, because that's what you do. You leave and then come back whenever you need to cause a shitstorm. Looks like this whole time you still haven't put forward an effective countermeasure to the problem that was posed and would've been dealt with the first time. Which figures, because you're the one that caused it and if you don't know it it's because you're either too stupid or willfully denying the facts.

As I've said from the start, I don't want anything to do with you, I come back because what you said hurt and I dare to be sincere. So I don't really want to help you, instead I want to see you suffer, because that's what cocksucker dogs like you deserve. If the nanny state wasn't keeping you protected despite your abject recklessness, you'd probably already be dead by now. But I simply have better shit to do than get locked up for keeping one more dumb motherfucker in line. I'm going to have to wait for you to rethink your life decisions and do the job yourself, because I know that's just what you want to do. If you weren't busy taking this out on people that you know are better than you I know you'd already have done so a while ago. And if your abusive, whore mother didn't leave you enough money to keep you from doing it last time and it's kept you alive until now (and I know you might think that's enough to sustain you for as long as it takes), but if you're incompetent enough to cut your finger off within the first few years of running whatever gay little business you're so defensive about, it would be easy enough for you to find a way to also fuck that up somehow and become destitute again. If mlpol wasn't here for you to take your gay insecurities out on, they might just start to bleed into your real life, which I would assume they're doing so already.

So, I'm going to go live my life knowing that I don't deserve the company of shiteaters like you. Your task is going to be to ruin your own life further with half-cooked ideas that you try to substitute from the ones your that betters would've used to solve the problem in the first place, and then drink yourself half to death and think of your mother as a goddess when she died thinking about some nigger's cock. And then you're going to need to take that gun you bought and put it in your fake vagina that serves as a symbol for your questionable masculinity (if your lack of that wasn't obvious by the way you come off in your speech, whenever I have to read what you have to say I think of the smuggest little faggot I've ever met and then multiply that by like 5-10 times. I don't know what this is supposed to be but it looks like the gayest shit I've ever seen. I would imagine this is what it would look like if someone were to jack off into their own mouth. I sure as shit hope none of this has rubbed off on me. This must be the gayest, most masturbatory bullshit I have ever seen, that actual fag from star trek must be the last time I've seen someone say "oh my," ironically or not) and utter failure as a human being and something lower than a janny (by the way, I still don't know how you don't get shat on for something like this all the time. One more time, for those in the back: Ninjas used to PAY for the opportunity to be a janitor, and he still hasn't let it go and tries to janny the place after he got CUCKED by the people that Atlas chose OVER him since he was away by his OWN accord when it came time to hand over the deed to the place. If I didn't know any better I'd say all the anons you hang out with are just as cucked as you are and that's why they don't tell you to fuck off, like I could go on and on about this but I choose not to digress), and then you're going to have to, as they say take the dog out back, and by God I think that's the one time you might just do a fantastic job (other than acting like a fucking faggot on a damn parade, OP doesn't even seem to cut it here, unless this is some kind of gay April Fool's joke, which wouldn't actually be making it any better), unless you fuck it up and become one of those cripples that didn't place the shot right, in which case, I guess that would be all the better. You could go join all the obese niggers on life support and be even more of a waste of society's resources just like them. What you wouldn't aspire to do. You fucking faggot. Like damn. Can you really blame people for thinking you're actually on hormones? Holy shit, you fucking flamer. I can barely continue saying this all with a straight face now.
6165 6166
Now, maybe I'll check in once in a while, see if you've already followed through, or maybe I won't, and if I don't I'm not going to be hearing from you again. And you're going to sit and stay, like a good bitch. And the only way you'd show your master that you've finally learned your lesson is if you paint the walls with your brains (like you paint your mouth with your fucking cum). That would be the only betterment that you could possibly achieve for yourself. And I do hope you'll have learned your lesson, and learned it good. And I'll consider this little fiasco to be overwith. Unless I deem it necessary to help you along with your task (which would NOT include getting sucked off, sorry, I don't swing that way). Which there are ways to do that without drawing the ire of the law, whether or not you're wise enough to know it, and I doubt you are, but I'd rather just keep that as a little bargaining chip for now. I could go without the trouble of putting a needy bitch in his place and having another can of worms to look after. Just like I could've gone without all of whatever this is supposed to be. Dealing with the shortcomings of a grandiose (gay) narcissist and failed janitor on a ghost town of an altchan. If he only could've manned up instead of getting ruthlessly asshurt.

And notice I haven't gone out of my way to insult you, and that's what triggers you the most. You're probably going to say something pretty nasty about this in return or not read it at all or try to make light of it when you'd actually be taking it really seriously, in whatever case I guess I couldn't care any less, but the thing is that if the truth triggers you that much and you try to make it look like you don't take offense to a bit of light roasting here and there and you're simply that desperate to win a petty argument online that you'll make an empty threat and try to gaslight and manipulate, that's something that's wrong with you, not the person that's minding their own business. I don't have to try to trigger you, you're going to get triggered anyway (and whether or not you have the heart to apologize doesn't say anything about the person you're attacking either). All I have to do to piss you off is to live my life unfettered by a needy bitch on the internet. I didn't recognize it at first because I was being attacked out of nowhere and I had to deal with that. But now that I take a step back it's blatantly obvious to see. You get trolled by people simply being themselves. Say whatever you will about the people you're attacking. It's not like they don't know they have flaws.

And one more thing, I know this is gay and comes off as cuck shit but that proves my point from a year and a half ago in the first place. I had you sized up right the first time, I had this whole thing sized up right, the only thing I didn't count on is just how much of a piece of shit someone was willing to be to preserve whatever status quo some kiked janny wanted to preserve, so that's my fuckup. I didn't know just how low you were going to be willing to go. That's the only thing I didn't count on. The rest I was right about the whole time, and this gay thread is no substitute for you just fucking off and never coming back, whether due to fighting it out with your hands or you doing the right thing in the first place (which would be honorably or more befitting of someone like a failed janny, not so honorably removing yourself). I noticed you started to pick up on my mannerisms from the time I was here after I left, you started impersonating me and trying to come up with your own set of rules that were obviously not going to work, because you know I was right whether or you would like to admit it or not (I really sincerely hope without all the gay bullshit, this is the faggiest fucking thread I've ever seen, and I kind of doubt it too, for what it's worth. I think you're just a latent fag. Had a little fun with uncle in the showers when nobody was looking, maybe a repressed memory here and there). And you wouldn't, because you're a projecting narcissist if I've ever seen one. So, this has all been a massive, massive waste of my precious time, and I could've used it to get a pretty lady instead of making you my bitch, but that's the way it's got to be sometimes, I suppose. At least I know now that if someone isn't worth helping then it's better to just let them wallow in their own filth. Or latent homosexuality, holy shit. This post comes off as the gayest fucking shit I've ever seen. If you wanted my dick you could've just asked and I would've told you no, fucking queer.

If you thought this gay little thread was going to work you're even stupider than I thought. Good thing this website isn't my fucking problem anymore. Get FUCKED, son. Goddamn you're fucking gay. Seriously. I bet you thought you were fucking clever writing this shit. What a fartsniffing fucking queer. That's really saying something coming from someone that likes to toy with ideas in their spare time. At least I might have something to show for it once in a while.
Thanks for the bump I thought like most endeavors of mine it'll die a solitary death.
>I come back because what you said hurt
What words were they?
>cut your finger off within the first few years of running whatever gay little business you're so defensive about
Ah, you have the wrong Anon, which means OP is not that Anon.

Is The Bible Accurate?
In Genesis it says:
>The earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep
This implies the earth was created before the sun, but we know this is the other way around
>God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome
>God called the dome Sky
This implies above the Sky there is a second set of waters
We've sent probes up there, but haven't found such a thing

So is the Bible accurate. No. The Bible is a collection of hundreds of stories from several religions, local history and oral tradition etc, written by dozens of different people. SOME events described in it ARE historical. It doesn't validate the rest. Descriptions of actual historical events are captured incorrectly, and with little detail, which gives insight into other events captured. Any rebuttals, Christians?
21 replies and 8 files omitted.
6099 6100
Flat Eartherism is a psyop to make sites that welcome talk of conspiracy theories with better evidence (and more evidence) supporting them than any evidence against them seem unattractive to newcomers who don't know to ignore flat earth posts, hide flat earth threads, and never reply to flat earthers.
Yeah, yeah, most of us already know that. It doesn't make them go away.
Good advice
6104 6105
How accurate is this, bible bros?
It gets the gist of it.

ITT, let us discuss the philosophical works of the great thinkers before us, post information for other poners on how best to acquire the knowledge contained therein, and contribute our own ideas pertaining to solutions that might match the challenges put forth by the ever present, so-called bigger questions.
3 replies and 0 files omitted.
Does anyponer know what the most well-accepted interpretation of quantum physics is today? Is it still the Copenhagen Interperetation? Reducing reality to consciousness and viewing the world from the viewpoint of probabilistic wavefunctions has really helped open my mind up to juggling a lot of possibilities at the same time.

For instance, the flat earth theory. It's not, to me, a question of whether or not it's true, just how probably true or untrue it is, it is in a state of superposition of true and untrue. To take it further, very much of empirical data, if not all of it, is based on statistical analysis, IIRC, which would mean there's still a statistically impossible (as in so improbable that the scientific method would more likely have to be bust to accommodate it and the chance is patently negligible) chance that gravity doesn't exist and none of the scientific "facts" we have accrued over centuries really help to explain anything whatsoever, that science is totally wrong about everything it's ever claimed. That would be along the lines of Hume's Problem of Induction, if I'm not mistaken, please pardon me I have not read Hume yet, but intend to get to him eventually, but which is something that I can mention has hamstrung efforts to prove that science is making progress for quite a long time.

I wouldn't say the guy's wrong in the video. Attaching oneself too closely to anything has shown to be detrimental to my well being, at least in my own experience, and meditation has helped me quite a lot in simply forgetting things and starting from scratch if need be. To a helpful degree, anyway.
>Marcus Aurelius' Meditations: The Stoic Ideal
What can I say? This is the path to godhood.
That vid is a short about stoicism, talking about Ulysses S. Grant
That one is Christoher Hitchins talking about reason and credulity
GUTS (BERSERK) - THE WAY OF THE STOIC - GRAVEMIND - cPglxsqsL_c - 20210923.jpg

1552 1553 1554 1555 1557 1621 1624 1631 1632 1812 1853 3871 3881 3904
Why live /mlpol/? the jews have total control. i don't want to live on this planet anymore. i'm tired,So tired.
62 replies and 30 files omitted.
Kill yourself. You’re pathetic
5676 5678
Ignore him, he's jusy projecting his own failings onto anon
It’s true.
Thank you for your testimony Ms. Heard
>actual faggot I know IRL threatens to kill himself because he can't handle political debate without retreating into fantasies and putting on a cringey persona
Suicide is for faggots, OP.

0 note to self edit black speech to be more accurate to real deal.jpg
Should I get therapy?
3153 3155 3174 4006 4267 4527 4711 5066
Is therapy just a joke, or is it worth getting? Who should I do therapy with? Can I trust my entire life's story with anyone who's not on this site?
Maybe if I tell you my life's story, you can give me life advice.

I was raised by abusive lefty parents who hated their smart white son and often tried to push me towards trannyism. Never fell for it.
First I was sent to a shit primary school. A few kids bullied me there and teachers punished me whenever I fought back. I was a fat angry kid who could punch hard when pushed, and they liked attacking me and then running away. But when we fought properly I'd kick their asses. One time I kicked their asses hard enough to make them stop bothering me.
When I graduated from this school I was sent to the special school of a catholic school, and made the personal property of one old bitch there who hated autistic kids. Around that era I got interested in Game Maker and pokemon romhacking but that interest never amounted to anything, though I did have a USB full of GBA roms and romhacking tools and the fact that I was able to code at such a young age when not all kids were learning that should have shown somebody that I had more to offer the world than shitty schools thought I should.
Thanks to that school, my schedule looked like this: Enter a side building, wait for the day to end, sometimes get insulted by the teachers if they felt like abusing me, usually get to eat lunch at lunchtime but sometimes they wouldn't let me (and it didn't matter whether I brought a packed lunch to school or brought money for the school cafeteria) and eventually go home to a house with parents that, when told the right words by my boomer bullies, would freak out and abuse me at home too. Rarely I'd get to join in a classroom... but class clowns would act up until I'd get blamed for it and sent out.
If I had a tape recorder or decent phone, I could have gathered evidence of the shit said/done to me (audio files of verbal abuse, pics of bruises, etc) and posted it online. But I was never allowed anything like that, because my parents feared I might use it on them. One day at school the art teacher bumped me with her car while backing up into a crowd of kids, I was fine but pissed off and the art teacher shrieked and blame-slinged feministically at me until I lost my patience and started barking back, then she put me in front of the headmaster and I told him about the abusive staff members and called him terrible at his job, so he kicked me out.
Then I was sent to a worthless "speshul" school where a few teachers abused me and the students usually watched in confusion when they weren't joining in. Whenever I trusted an adult enough to tell him or her what happened at home, that adult decided to call child protective services, who sent the same fucking boomer woman over to warn my parents that I was talking about what went on at home again. I couldn't get away from my family until I became the problem of Adult Protective Services, where the slightly less retarded and lazy people go.
A woman my age at the autistics-only youth club I attended got mad at me over retarded internet roleplaying nonsense-drama that didn't even involve me, and she lied about me to the cops and accused me of abusing her, even went to some clinic to fake signs of a concussion she didn't have because she's a spoilt bitch who knows how to play her rich parents like fiddles, she was a low-functioning sociopath woman with histrionic personality disorder and every retarded boomer's sympathy. She lied and got away with it, because the cops weren't interested in this case after she cartoonishly fucked up and started gloating about physically assaulting me without realizing it hurt her case. But even though I said to the managers of the youth club and the friends I knew there "If what she said about me was true I'd be in jail so you know she's lying" they couldn't believe me because they were dumb. There was one weird creepy fucker I used to talk to online because his "woe is me, asian school life is sooo hard" shit kind of reminded me of me at the time, but he got severe TDS and stopped being a person once he stopped viewing me as a person so I'm glad I didn't tell him anything sensitive or identifiable that could fuck me over later in life.
Anyway when I went to college, I was lied to and exploited by the staff until I dropped out. They even tricked me into taking a worthless course that turned out to be the dump where they dump the autistic kids and give them a useless fake newspaper to write. I wish I dropped out sooner, trying to live on barely fucking anything is hard enough when your mom took govt money meant for you, but it's harder when you're forced to spend most of your cash on train rides between your college and shitty home every two weeks and all your cunt government can offer is a discount pass. Now that I'm living alone, I've got a free bus pass I can barely use. Government priorities, am I right?

I am an autistic man, I'm 24 years old, I'll be 25 next year, and I've spent so much of my life as property of someone else that I find it hard to notice when I'm hungry or tired and remember that I should eat or sleep without someone or a phone alarm telling me to. I shower every night before bed but sometimes I miss meals, it's what helped me go from obese fatty to only-slightly-overweight. I don't think I know what it feels like to be loved by someone else. Learning makes me happy and I love documentaries but when I tried an online free learning site it reminded me of school and I couldn't do it. Sometimes I talk to people and act charming like those "Charisma on command" youtube vids told me so they'll like me, but I've never given anyone my full backstory before. The only woman in my life I ever kissed was that bitch who falsely accused me and got away with it. I want to say I have no interest in modern women but I still feel the urge to wank to them. But I don't wank any more because of nofap.
998 replies and 202 files omitted.
Nor would anyone expect you to. Nobody who has had any extended interaction with you would expect much of anything from you at this point, least of all any sort of genuine self-reflection or sincere effort at improvement. Whenever anyone criticizes you for anything you never evaluate or correct your own behavior. You rationalize; you get defensive. You assume that everyone who gets annoyed with you or criticizes you must be part of some organized group of bullies trying to bring you down, because the possibility that people simply find your obnoxious behavior obnoxious is just too much for you to process.

I mean, take a look at this thread ffs. 1000 posts in here, almost all of them yours, almost every post a gigantic wall of text. The bump limit is like 600 posts. And what is written in here, that was so important that you had to record it for posterity? Rants about Nintendo Switch and Pokemon and Cyberpunk 2077 and every other video game you have an opinion on. Massive walls of cope-and-seethe about how gay the writing thread is now because the anons there finally got tired of putting up with your nonsense and yeeted you out. In other words, nothing but typical Nigel bullshit. I have never in my life encountered someone who had so much to say about absolutely nothing.

Here is the reality you don't want to face: there is no organized group on this site trying to bully you. You are simply an obnoxious, irritating sperg that nobody can stand because you have nothing interesting to say and yet you never shut up. You can't stay on topic to save your life, your posts are 99% incoherent nonsense, you post stupid unfunny memes about niche topics that only you understand, your criticisms offer no meaningful insight beyond calling everything you dislike "gay" simply because you dislike it, your jokes aren't funny, you have no apparent interest in anything besides video games and disposable garbage entertainment written for children, you can't converse intelligently on any subject, including the video games and disposable garbage media you enjoy, and despite all of this, you are constantly putting down other people for being interested in disposable garbage media written for children your current stalker-level obsession with Chatoyance is the most current example of this behavior. Everything you post to this site is garbage, your personality is repellant to nearly everyone, and I feel quite confident in stating that this entire community finds not one redeeming virtue in any word you've ever written. To put it simply, (You) are a terrible poster, and you need to piss off and find some other place to post your endless stream of bullshit.

Even if there were some super-sekrit Nigel-haters club lurking in the shadows somewhere, they wouldn't need to organize themselves or follow you around. "Bullying Nigel" is simply a matter of waiting for you to post something stupid, which you do on an almost daily basis with no provocation whatsoever, and then making fun of whatever stupid thing you posted.

But why am I wasting my time writing all of this out? You don't care what I or my friends think about you, and you never will, right? I'll just shut up, and let you go back to writing another 1000 posts about how little you care.
You're so hyper-focused on me, you forget how you treat me, and then wonder why I don't respect you. It can't be a you problem, of course. No, you think how you feel about me has to be my problem. And you cannot handle the fact that I just don't care about your feelings because I don't respect you. There was a period where I played nice, and it lasted too long. You got used to seeing yourself as the altruistic victims tirelessly struggling against me. You never stopped to ask yourself why I am your obsession. It doesn't matter to you whether you are one anonymous coward, one anonymous coward with a few VPNs and IPs to post from, or a few anonymous cowards in a discord server. The truth isn't decided upon by committee. I don't care what narcissistic histrionic dysgenic masturbation addicts think of me or my capability to produce the art and games and fanfics I make for fun. I don't owe you people anything. Valuable critics are in this to help creators, not to feel validated and respected and listened to. Anyone can be a critic in the social media age. It's easy. If you don't know why I don't value you or your opinions, start asking yourself if it's how you present those opinions, or if those opinions are anything I should care about in the first place. You don't respect me as a person, and you don't respect my time, so why should I respect you as an authority, anonymous cowardly stranger? It would please me greatly if you'd make a pouty speech about how you're done trying to help me, because your idea of helping someone is gaslighting them and guilt-slinging at them because they're an easy target and you want them to care about you. I don't care if you tell yourself you're the hero of this story, because I want no part in your story. On another site somebody insulted me for working on so many projects at once, and I laughed because as far as I'm aware that anonymous stranger is working on sweet fuck all. But anyway, back to you. If Hitler was alive today I don't think he would respect masturbation addicts hell bent on micromanaging chatrooms for what was meant to be a feminist cartoon for children about little girls.
Dude, just stop shitting up the board with your autism and learn to compose legible posts like a normal human being, that's literally all you're being asked to do.

Watching this video helped a lot. Getting a woman who's genuinely supportive and doesn't ever make me feel like I'm playing twister on eggshells for her amusement also helped a lot. It's not healthy for me to call perfectly healthy and normal reproductive urges dark or twisted or too much. There's a lot of seriously fucked up shit out there I'm glad I'm not into. Turns out physical and emotional intimacy can be healing and supportive and good for everyone involved, who knew? Not me. Being raped as a kid fucked me up but I think I'm healing. Looking back I don't resent any of the women I met in my life. I wish I could send knowledge back in time to myself. Maybe if I was cooler and smarter I could have given them the help they needed. Except the naruto obsessed bitch who falsely accused me years ago. Emotionally I feel nothing about her and I'm over it but intellectually I know she's not going to heaven. Also that bitch who tricked me and asked me to write porn for her then yelled to the world "Help! Help! He wrote porn and sent it to me without consent!" isn't going to heaven either. Can't believe I ever thought I could fix them. I was stupid. My mother used to call me gay for not wanting to shag her. I never wanted her or anything about her, she was physically, morally, and emotionally revolting as a person and anyone who can't see it doesn't know her well enough or has a fetish for pedo degenerates rendering their opinion invalid. I should be good at spotting red flags in women but I used to be shit at it.

As a severely autistic person who spent his formative years isolated from reality by his parents and surrounded by awfulness, to the point that I used to piss my parents off by saying "ninjas have been fighting here" or "careful, those are poisoned ninja needles" whenever I saw dirty needles on the ground while pointing at them, effective communication is hard. When I try to imitate people and characters who seem to be liked, sometimes I end up sounding like an idiot, or worse, a prick. That's what the youtube channels about being charismatic say to do but I don't think I'm good at it. Looking back it's hard to believe my pony fics were that shit but it's also entirely plausible. These aren't just stories inspired by a genuine love of FIM. They're also stories tainted by bad advice received during their creation from bronies I talked to at the time, and the desire to fill my story with shit bronies seemed to like at the time. Now that I've realized how shit what bronies liked at the time was, it's a miracle my stories didn't turn out worse. The protagonist was a prick, even during scenes where he was supposed to be less of a prick than usual. He was unbearable. I wanted who he was before meeting the mane six to be different from who he was after meeting them and growing, but looking back this is stupid. The unbearable smugness of who he was before growth was inspired by the brony fandom's obsession with OCs who talked and acted that way. I wonder, if I ever finished it while the fandom was still massive and full of young and mentally young people pretending to know what they're talking about, would the fandom have hated me for writing a story that accidentally attacked their fantasies by presenting the overpowered smug git in love with his own power level as a deeply lonely and pathetic person "before" the character growth that made him someone in a happy healthy mutually supportive relationship with Twilight Sparkle? Then again I was still laboring under the commonly held delusion that more word count=better work, so I doubt anyone would have made it through 1-2 million words of a teenager's fanfic to get to the happy ending where he finally stops being a twat.

People regularly look back on who they were a few years ago, or a decade ago, and cringe. It's a sign that you've grown. People regularly do it openly in youtube videos. I'm glad nobody saw the painfully hard and irritatingly unclear RPGs I made at 11ish or the dogshit mario knockoffs with spikes everywhere and my little sister as a playable character who turns easy mode on. I didn't know how to make climbing work so you could double jump as much as you wanted while touching ropes and vines. People would have torn that game to shreds, accidentally picked easy mode and called it too easy. Or picked me as the other playable character and called it too hard. It's good to look back at yourself and cringe. But people rarely include their influences in that cringing, because that feels like blaming someone else for being the way that you are. At the same time, people don't exist in vacuums unless they're spherical cows. Speaking of my mother, she certainly had her influences on me, influences I've fought to break free from. My father, too.

For a while I felt like I "gave up" on World of Warcraft. It got too shit and I "wasn't strong enough" to make myself keep going. Because that's how people talked about it. But that's fucking stupid. WoW is a scam and playing it is a waste of time. Good media challenges the audience to grow. Bad media is just more of the same unchallenging slop. Still sometimes I'd think "What if I went back and beat WoW for old time's sake?".

But then I realized the only winning move is not to play.

I have beaten World of Warcraft by refusing to play it, and I will continue to do so. That's a healthy attitude to have. I've beaten booze by refusing to drink it. Beaten drugs by refusing to take them. Beaten my parents by refusing to continue letting them force me to be in an abusive relationship under them.
You literally never learn, do you?
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There's no helping this dude really. Even if he's better off just leaving. The guy's probably making a fool of himself elsewhere.

Mental Health, the whitepill, and hope
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This is a thread for us to find hope and give hope but also provide tips on how to relieve ourselves of all the pain we suffer.

My entire life, so far, has been nothing but pain pain pain. This is not an embellishment and I'm on my last rope here. I can't take it anymore.

People like us are always demonized by the media. Many of us hide who we are, our opinions, among the normals around us, which can make us alienated and make it harder for us to engage with them.

If one, like me, fails in their ambitions and can't keep their room clean, has very few friends and isn't in a relationship nor have lost their virginity, then that compounds on one's self-esteem.

We need to talk about our mental health. How to create an enviroment in our lives that facilitates good mental health. Like, I follow Jp's advice on the clean your room thing right now, even though he seems like controlled op from what I can remember, he is right about that making sure that's fixed is good for you. I feel that it's draining to constantly feel ashamed about such a thing, like I do. I can usually start cleaning but I rarely finish all the way, which causes the feeling of a dirty room not to go away. That's why I decied to finish this time.

But other then tips on how to improve one's mental health that might apply to everyone in society since everyone is suffering by insanity of this world. I also want us to look for more specific ways to deal with the prospect of white genocide or rather a future where whites are minorities in their own countries. I want us to find positives and use them to move forward and handle negatives in a constructive manner.

None of us is here because you don't seek a solution to solve this problem. If you legitimately thought there was nothing to do about this situation, then wouldn't you stop engaging in things that tries to stop it? What's the point of suffering here for no purpose? I believe we all gather here because we want to fight this situation, even if in our minds we think it's hopeless, because for some reason we have resolved ourself to do it. Why? I assume that one some level we have some hope for something. But maybe, I don't know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, the positives. I want us to find the whitepills and look on the bright side of life, to stride forward. There are so many regrets in my mind and they burn me up inside. I don't know how to deal with the past more than trying to put it behind me or saying that, "Now things will be different." However, it has never become different after that point. Point is, it's stressful to dwell on the past and since you can't change any of it the best one can do is to learn from it and probably forgive oneself for it and be proud of the good things one did and remember the good times. This comes from the person that is imprisoned by their past and can't move, btw.

Sorry, for the blogposting and while I'm not suicidal, I can't help but to feel more tired than ever before (I also feel that I can use myself as an example for the importance of the thread or something). If there's a limit to how many times I can pick myself up and then get knocked down, then I'm feeling like I'm close to converging with that right now. I don't know how long I can continue to take this anymore. I kinda need to change now.

I didn't really know which board this thread belongs to. It's like a improvement thread for /ub/ but at the same time it's a whitepill thread. Mods, feel free to move it wherever you think it fits best.

I'll return to post here when my room is cleaned to say that I done it if I don't fall asleep first, then I post it tomorrow. Maybe I'll even update on my daily progress on things in the future. Maybe that's a good plan. We'll see.

I had to pick a picture so I picked this one for Op but to be honest, don't feel that humorous about my any of this right now. I guess, I don't wanna just crack jokes about it, unless that is helpful in someway, and actually figure out how to solve it.
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I didn't read the spoiler for that reason, btw.
Good, the spoiler spoils the game endings.
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Op here. feel better these days mlpol.

I climbed out of the hole I made for myself back when I wrote the op and just continued with renewed hope about the future last time —a strategy that I usually use to deal with my depression when it gets too bad— but lately I feel better about myself due to some new insight that I have realized.

I won't going in too much on it. I'm still always tired, as you are when you're depressed, so that's why I won't post more than that and why it's been hard for me to reply to the helpful advice I got. I didn't know about the fact that depression lead to fatigue before but that description, that I learnt about, fit me so well that I accepted it as true.

The insight is that I come to reject the modern world's definition of success. I'm sure I can get a gf, even if things won't be perfect Well, I don't know how much I genuinely think this and how much is me trying to convince myself about that, however, I do feel hopeful about the future., I still think it will work out. I'm here because I'm a good person and have great taste in media and in understandings in politics. I can find value in these things even if the rest of society finds them meaningless. I try to live life in the present, not that I try to suppress thoughts about the future or past out of fear or regret or anything (maybe sometimes), I try to be in peace, to be calm, and to be content with just life in itself. I want my passion for the work to push me forward not the need (I feel) for it to be done.
Good to hear you're feeling better, OP.
>The insight is that I come to reject the modern world's definition of success.
This is key when we live in a dystopian society. Disregard normalcy, embrace horse pussy.
One thing I forgot to mention is that taking vitamins and supplements can also help if your diet is out of whack. You can probably get lithium orotate over the counter. It might help with your fatigue.
You seem to be on the right track. Have a blessed day, poner.
That's good to know. While looking it up I found this.

Basically saying a large amount of flavanoids is over all good for you and helps in multiple ways. It influences neural plasticity.
Coco, spinach, tomatoes, peppers, sweet potatoes, ect.
I don't know anon, (im not op, of course, in fact i just jumped into this thread) i just sort of learnt to live with the desire to die.
Sure i can be contempt at times, but honestly, my life has been a series of very unfortunate events, only reason i still live is because i just wanna see what happens, I'm not about to quit it but I'm not too happy with how things turn out.

I actually tried some extreme methods, i went to Africa, even to Syria (and even posted here one or two times a year and three years ago when i was there) seeking either a way to fix my life making money as a hired gun or just dying, and guess what, here i am again in my home country and life has not really changed that much for the better.

The world is very unfair and annoying and honestly after seeing how stupid the average person is, i think there is no real way to change it without hitting the reset button, going back to villages and rebuilding everything from there with our actual knowledge on how things work.
The world is absurd, but I'm not laughing anymore, I'm just nodding and giving it a gentle smile before resuming my day whenever it tries to jest.

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why is this board slow?
its because we aren't at our computer. Take a few hours and go outside kameraden.
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Aw shit i have that one saved here
Here's two more.

It tastes like r9k shit tho
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Another 2 year update horsefuckers and /pol/acks! I'm back again. And I see there have only been a few posts since my original post and its update.

As I had originally stated in the update, I had intended on going to trade school to increase my skillset. Well I'm happy to inform you all I will be graduating tech school this year as a HVAC Tech (Air-conditioning and refrigeration basically) and I have already received my Electrical Certification, EPA certification, 410a Certification (pretty much worthless), as well as my AC certification.

I have since moved EVEN DEEPER into Dixie and live in a apartment with my Ex-Leftist gf while we work on finding better living accommodations, mainly land is what we are after. I unfortunately haven't been maintaining my bushcraft skills since moving into a suburban area again but I have made a few new friends in my area that have skills that I am more than interested in dabbling in that loosely fit into that criteria (fishing, farming, and oddly enough Blacksmithing and Black-powder firearms).

Posting this to hopefully see some improvements from other Anons.

>pic related is/was the first AR-15 I built 2 years ago.
also, yes I am very aware the optic I have on this old picture is pretty airsoft tier. This was almost two years ago.
welcome back partner.jpg
good to be back anon. Have you improved yourself today?
I'm on it.

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